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+ franki period care

branding & packaging design by the renew room

Meet your new period bestie. Franki is not just a brand that sells period products. It is a revolution to change how we talk about our bodies natural cycle and will totally transform your period care routine. 

+ franki is shaking things up

After researching other alternatives and finding the best solution, not only for themselves, but for people with periods around the world, Franki was born. 

Franki is fun. It is educational. It is breaking down taboos about periods. Franki is creating something that is long lasting, affordable and better for you. 

+ branding

As this business' vision is to create a revolution, the branding couldn't be boring. It had to stand out from the crowd... Franki doesn't blend in. Franki stands tall and screams from the rooftops.

The tone for Franki was & is:

+ Bold & unapologetic
+ Fun & exciting
+ Open & honest
+ Barrier breaking

+ packaging design

The most important thing in packaging design is the customer. The customer needs things to be easy. When designing Franki's packaging, we created a different colour for each period cup size. This helps the customer to easily differentiate between Mini, Midi & Maxi.

We also designed a brand pattern, which is consistent throughout the packaging. The different colours used with the pattern on the packaging makes the brand POP. 

Bringing it back to the customer again - seeing this packaging on the shelves, with the bright, fun colour palette, will really catch their eye. They won't just see one colour, they will see them all! 

+ want to be friends?

Whether you're looking to re-fresh your existing business, or start a new one (or just think we're rad), fill in our contact form today. Or just simply flick us an email: hello@therenewroom.co.nz


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