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+ indigenous growth limited

sales funnel by the renew room

Indigenous Growth Limited (IGL) is just what the name suggests - a business set up to help Indigenous people grow. Founder, Mike Moka, had a vision to get better representation of Māori in leadership roles in businesses across Aotearoa and he is achieving just that.

+ don't be like john

Pushing the limits in everything they do, Mike challenged us to be controversial with our messaging when it came to the ads to gather new leads.

The audience for Indigenous Growth Ltd are senior leaders and HR professionals of large businesses. One of the stats we found was that there were more CEO's called John than those that were Māori. 

Thus, the foundation of the campaign: Don't be a John...!

+ the ads

The sales strategy for IGL was to get people in the consideration stage of the marketing funnel to move into the conversion stage. 

Through heavy targeting across LinkedIn and Facebook, we created an HR / Senior Leader audience to share the "Don't be a John" and "Don't be a tick box organisation" ads with. The text alongside the ads and CTA was to "Download the Common Mistakes Genuine Businesses Make When Trying To Promote Cultural Diversity And Inclusion In Their Strategy".

The focus of the ad was to create a shock factor that encourage a click that lead to high converting landing page. Once on the high converting landing page, we then hoped to secure their email address and move them onto the email automation journey. Or - they entered our retargeting audience. 

+ landing page

When someone clicks on an ad, it's best practice for them to land on a page that matches the content of the ad they were interested in. 

In our case, we promised they could get a copy of the common mistakes businesses make when doing their D&I strategy - so the landing page was set up for them to fill in their details to receive their copy. 

The landing page is built for high conversion and was mapped out for best user experience

  • The opening text matches the ad content
  • The free handbook form is close to the top of the page
  • You gain trust instantly with the suite of well-known businesses logos that IGL already work with
  • The WHY is bullet pointed for easy reading
  • There are buttons throughout to entice them to convert
  • There is a second form further down the page
  • And, there are video testimonials to gain further trust

+ the email journey

One of the biggest challenges Mike faced when getting leads, was that the first couple of calls was just going through the nuts and bolts of who IGL actually is, the mahi they do, and how they can help. 

One of the goals of this process was to move the audience through an email journey, with email automations set up, to deliver more information about IGL. Once leads had reached the end of our journey, and engaged with our emails over a few weeks, the IGL team get handed the lead to follow up directly.

This way when it came to kanohi ki te kanohi korero, they were prequalified and further down the funnel.

Each month we also provided detailed reports with all campaign and website data and also the email contacts to follow up. We use a program to collate all data, so the dashboards shared with the team have all relevant information in one place.

+ want your own sales funnel?

This is one of our core offerings on the marketing side here at The Renew Room. We'd love to discuss your business goals and how automations can help smooth out your customer journey. 

Interested? Either fill in our contact form, or email Claire direct.

+ want to be friends?

Whether you're looking to re-fresh your existing business, or start a new one (or just think we're rad), fill in our contact form today. Or just simply flick us an email: hello@therenewroom.co.nz


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