+ branding (logo, fonts & colours)
+ website re-design
Paul is a Barrister and Mediator here in Aotearoa. He is professional, friendly and he needed a website redesign to show his authenticity.
+ branding
Paul's branding needed to be easy enough to understand and clear enough that anybody could read it. There was no need for a fancy logo, a professional font & a good colour palette did the trick.
+ Professional & Friendly
+ Honest & Trustworthy

+ Website Redesign
Pauls old website was one of the most dated websites we have ever seen. Rather than just upgrading it, we did a whole redesign from start to finish - to make sure that we used all website design & content principles from the get-go.
The first thing we did was collate all of the information that Paul wanted on his website, we put it together in an easy to understand structure, so that his current and prospecting clients could navigate the website efficiently and we created an awesome user experience which is very clear to understand.

+ photography
in Paul's field of work it was important that he had new photography taken. He hadn't had any imagery in 20 years so it was extremely out-dated and he took our advice and got professional imagery taken.
This allowed us to create a professional website that is genuine & trustworthy as it is not just full of stock imagery.